Unlocking Secure Access: Understanding and Implementing Standard File Permissions

Unlocking Secure Access: Understanding and Implementing Standard File Permissions
Unlocking Secure Access: Understanding and Implementing Standard File Permissions

Unlocking Secure Access: Understanding and Implementing Standard File Permissions - This chapter provides comprehensive information on basic file security, focusing on file ownership and permissions. Understanding and managing file ownership and permissions are crucial for maintaining system security and controlling access to files and directories.

In the realm of digital security, mastering standard file permissions is akin to wielding a powerful shield in the Linux operating system arena. Understanding how to navigate and manipulate these permissions empowers users to fortify their data fortress, ensuring that only authorized individuals can access sensitive information.

With precise control over read, write, and execute permissions, users can safeguard their files and directories against unauthorized intrusion, bolstering the overall security posture of their Linux-based systems.

File Ownership

Every file in a Unix-like system has both a user owner and a group owner. User owners and group owners are managed locally in /etc/passwd and /etc/group, or they can be part of a network information service (NIS), LDAP, or Samba domain. Users and groups can own files, and ownership information can be viewed using commands like ls -l. For example, the command ls -lh displays detailed information about files, including user and group ownership.

User owner and group owner

The users and groups of a system can be locally managed in /etc/passwd and /etc/group, or they can be in a NIS, LDAP, or Samba domain. These users and groups can own files. Actually, every file has a user owner and a group owner, as can be seen in the following screenshot.

paul@rhel65:~/owners$ ls -lh
total 636K
-rw-r--r--. 1 paul snooker 1.1K Apr 8 18:47 data.odt
-rw-r--r--. 1 paul paul 626K Apr 8 18:46 file1
-rw-r--r--. 1 root tennis 185 Apr 8 18:46 file2
-rw-rw-r--. 1 root root 0 Apr 8 18:47 stuff.txt

User paul owns three files; file1 has paul as user owner and has the group paul as group owner, data.odt is group owned by the group snooker, file2 by the group tennis. 

The last file is called stuff.txt and is owned by the root user and the root group.

Listing user accounts

Local user accounts can be listed using commands like cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd | column, which retrieves usernames from the /etc/passwd file.

You can use the following command to list all local user accounts.

paul@debian7~$ cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd | column
root        ntp         sam         bert         naomi
daemon      mysql       tom         rino         matthias2
bin         paul        wouter      antonio      bram
sys         maarten     robrecht    simon        fabric
esync       kevin       bilal       sven         chimene
games       yuri        dimitri     wouter2      messagebus
man         william     ahmed       tarik        roger
lp          yves        dylan       jan          frank
mail        kris        robin       ian          toon
news        hamid       matthias    ivan         rinus
uucp        vladimir    ben         azeddine     eddy
proxy       abiy        mike        eric         bram2
www-data    david       kevin2      kamel        keith
backup      chahid      kenzo       ischa        jesse
list        stef        aaron       bart         frederick
irc         joeri       lorenzo     omer         hans
gnats       glenn       jens        kurt         dries
nobody      yannick     ruben       steve        steve2
libuuid     christof    jelle       constantin   tomas
Debian-exim george      stefaan     sam2         johan
statd       joost       marc        bjorn        tom2
sshd        arno        thomas      ronald

The ownership of a file can be changed using the chown command, and the group ownership can be changed using the chgrp command. For example, chown paul FileForPaul changes the user owner of FileForPaul to paul.


You can change the group owner of a file using the chgrp command.

root@rhel65:/home/paul/owners# ls -l file2
-rw-r--r--. 1 root tennis 185 Apr 8 18:46 file2
root@rhel65:/home/paul/owners# chgrp snooker file2
root@rhel65:/home/paul/owners# ls -l file2
-rw-r--r--. 1 root snooker 185 Apr 8 18:46 file2


The user owner of a file can be changed with chown command.

root@laika:/home/paul# ls -l FileForPaul
-rw-r--r-- 1 root paul 0 2008-08-06 14:11 FileForPaul
root@laika:/home/paul# chown paul FileForPaul
root@laika:/home/paul# ls -l FileForPaul
-rw-r--r-- 1 paul paul 0 2008-08-06 14:11 FileForPaul
You can also use chown to change both the user owner and the group owner.
root@laika:/home/paul# ls -l FileForPaul
-rw-r--r-- 1 paul paul 0 2008-08-06 14:11 FileForPaul
root@laika:/home/paul# chown root:project42 FileForPaul
root@laika:/home/paul# ls -l FileForPaul
-rw-r--r-- 1 root project42 0 2008-08-06 14:11 FileForPaul

List of special files

When you use ls -l, for each file you can see ten characters before the user and group owner. The first character tells us the type of file. Regular files get a -, directories get a d, symbolic links are shown with an l, pipes get a p, character devices a c, block devices a b, and sockets an s.

Table Unix special files

first characterfile type
-normal file
lsymbolic link
pnamed pipe
bblock device
ccharacter device

Below a screenshot of a character device (the console) and a block device (the hard disk).

paul@debian6lt~$ ls -ld /dev/console /dev/sda
crw------- 1 root root 5, 1 Mar 15 12:45 /dev/console
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 0 Mar 15 12:45 /dev/sda
And here you can see a directory, a regular file and a symbolic link.
paul@debian6lt~$ ls -ld /etc /etc/hosts /etc/motd
drwxr-xr-x 128 root root 12288 Mar 15 18:34 /etc
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 372 Dec 10 17:36 /etc/hosts
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Dec 5 10:36 /etc/motd -> /var/run/motd


File permissions control access to files and directories. Permissions are denoted by the characters r (read), w (write), and x (execute). These permissions are represented in three sets of triplets for the user owner, group owner, and others. For instance, rwx indicates full permissions, while - indicates no permission.


The nine characters following the file type denote the permissions in three triplets. A permission can be r for read access, w for write access, and x for execute. You need the r permission to list (ls) the contents of a directory. You need the x permission to enter (cd) a directory. You need the w permission to create files in or remove files from a directory.

Table standard Unix file permissions

permissionon a fileon a directory
r (read)read file contents (cat)read directory contents (ls)
w (write)change file contents (vi)create files in (touch)
x (execute)execute the fileenter the directory (cd)

Three sets of rwx

We already know that the output of ls -l starts with ten characters for each file. This screenshot shows a regular file (because the first character is a - ).

paul@RHELv4u4:~/test$ ls -l proc42.bash
-rwxr-xr-- 1 paul proj 984 Feb 6 12:01 proc42.bash

Below is a table describing the function of all ten characters.

Table Unix file permissions position

1-this is a regular file
2-4rwxpermissions for the user owner
5-7r-xpermissions for the group owner
8-10r--permissions for others

When you are the user owner of a file, then the user owner permissions apply to you. The rest of the permissions have no influence on your access to the file.

When you belong to the group that is the group owner of a file, then the group owner permissions apply to you. The rest of the permissions have no influence on your access to the file.

When you are not the user owner of a file and you do not belong to the group owner, then the others permissions apply to you. The rest of the permissions have no influence on your access to the file.

Permission examples

Some example combinations on files and directories are seen in this screenshot. The name of the file explains the permissions.

paul@laika:~/perms$ ls -lh
total 12K
drwxr-xr-x 2 paul paul 4.0K 2007-02-07 22:26 AllEnter_UserCreateDelete
-rwxrwxrwx 1 paul paul 0 2007-02-07 22:21 EveryoneFullControl.txt
-r--r----- 1 paul paul 0 2007-02-07 22:21 OnlyOwnersRead.txt
-rwxrwx--- 1 paul paul 0 2007-02-07 22:21 OwnersAll_RestNothing.txt
dr-xr-x--- 2 paul paul 4.0K 2007-02-07 22:25 UserAndGroupEnter
dr-x------ 2 paul paul 4.0K 2007-02-07 22:25 OnlyUserEnter

To summarise, the first rwx triplet represents the permissions for the user owner. The second triplet corresponds to the group owner; it specifies permissions for all members of that group. The third triplet defines permissions for all other users that are not the user owner and are not a member of the group owner.

Setting permissions (chmod)

Permissions can be modified using the chmod command. Permissions can be set using symbolic notation (e.g., u+x to add execute permission for the user owner) or octal notation (e.g., chmod 777 permissions.txt to set full permissions for all).

paul@laika:~/perms$ ls -l permissions.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 paul paul 0 2007-02-07 22:34 permissions.txt
paul@laika:~/perms$ chmod u+x permissions.txt
paul@laika:~/perms$ ls -l permissions.txt
-rwxr--r-- 1 paul paul 0 2007-02-07 22:34 permissions.txt

This example removes the group owners read permission.

paul@laika:~/perms$ chmod g-r permissions.txt
paul@laika:~/perms$ ls -l permissions.txt
-rwx---r-- 1 paul paul 0 2007-02-07 22:34 permissions.txt

This example removes the others read permission.

paul@laika:~/perms$ chmod o-r permissions.txt
paul@laika:~/perms$ ls -l permissions.txt
-rwx------ 1 paul paul 0 2007-02-07 22:34 permissions.txt

This example gives all of them the write permission.

paul@laika:~/perms$ chmod a+w permissions.txt
paul@laika:~/perms$ ls -l permissions.txt
-rwx-w--w- 1 paul paul 0 2007-02-07 22:34 permissions.txt

You don't even have to type the a.

paul@laika:~/perms$ chmod +x permissions.txt
paul@laika:~/perms$ ls -l permissions.txt
-rwx-wx-wx 1 paul paul 0 2007-02-07 22:34 permissions.txt

You can also set explicit permissions.

paul@laika:~/perms$ chmod u=rw permissions.txt
paul@laika:~/perms$ ls -l permissions.txt
-rw--wx-wx 1 paul paul 0 2007-02-07 22:34 permissions.txt

Feel free to make any kind of combination.

paul@laika:~/perms$ chmod u=rw,g=rw,o=r permissions.txt
paul@laika:~/perms$ ls -l permissions.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 paul paul 0 2007-02-07 22:34 permissions.txt

Even fishy combinations are accepted by chmod.

paul@laika:~/perms$ chmod u=rwx,ug+rw,o=r permissions.txt
paul@laika:~/perms$ ls -l permissions.txt
-rwxrw-r-- 1 paul paul 0 2007-02-07 22:34 permissions.txt

Setting octal permissions

Most Unix administrators will use the old school octal system to talk about and set permissions. Look at the triplet bitwise, equating r to 4, w to 2, and x to 1.

Table Octal permissions


This makes 777 equal to rwxrwxrwx and by the same logic, 654 mean rw-r-xr-- . The chmod command will accept these numbers.

paul@laika:~/perms$ chmod 777 permissions.txt
paul@laika:~/perms$ ls -l permissions.txt
-rwxrwxrwx 1 paul paul 0 2007-02-07 22:34 permissions.txt
paul@laika:~/perms$ chmod 664 permissions.txt
paul@laika:~/perms$ ls -l permissions.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 paul paul 0 2007-02-07 22:34 permissions.txt
paul@laika:~/perms$ chmod 750 permissions.txt
paul@laika:~/perms$ ls -l permissions.txt
-rwxr-x--- 1 paul paul 0 2007-02-07 22:34 permissions.txt


The umask command determines default permissions when creating files or directories. It specifies permissions that are not set by default.

When creating a file or directory, a set of default permissions are applied. These default permissions are determined by the umask. The umask specifies permissions that you do not want set on by default. You can display the umask with the umask command.

[Harry@RHEL4b ~]$ umask
[Harry@RHEL4b ~]$ touch test
[Harry@RHEL4b ~]$ ls -l test
-rw-rw-r-- 1 Harry Harry 0 Jul 24 06:03 test
[Harry@RHEL4b ~]$

As you can also see, the file is also not executable by default. This is a general security feature among Unixes; newly created files are never executable by default. You have to explicitly do a chmod +x to make a file executable. This also means that the 1 bit in the umask has no meaning--a umask of 0022 is the same as 0033.

mkdir -m

When creating directories with mkdir you can use the -m option to set the mode. This screenshot explains.

paul@debian5~$ mkdir -m 700 MyDir
paul@debian5~$ mkdir -m 777 Public
paul@debian5~$ ls -dl MyDir/ Public/
drwx------ 2 paul paul 4096 2011-10-16 19:16 MyDir/
drwxrwxrwx 2 paul paul 4096 2011-10-16 19:16 Public/

cp -p

To preserve permissions and time stamps from source files, use cp -p.

paul@laika:~/perms$ cp file* cp
paul@laika:~/perms$ cp -p file* cpp
paul@laika:~/perms$ ll *
-rwx------ 1 paul paul 0 2008-08-25 13:26 file33
-rwxr-x--- 1 paul paul 0 2008-08-25 13:26 file42

total 0
-rwx------ 1 paul paul 0 2008-08-25 13:34 file33
-rwxr-x--- 1 paul paul 0 2008-08-25 13:34 file42

total 0
-rwx------ 1 paul paul 0 2008-08-25 13:26 file33
-rwxr-x--- 1 paul paul 0 2008-08-25 13:26 file42

Practice: standard file permissions

A series of exercises are provided to practice managing file permissions, including creating files and directories, changing ownership, setting permissions, and using symbolic and octal notation.

  1. As normal user, create a directory ~/permissions. Create a file owned by yourself in there.
  2. Copy a file owned by root from /etc/ to your permissions dir, who owns this file now ?
  3. As root, create a file in the users ~/permissions directory.
  4. As normal user, look at who owns this file created by root.
  5. Change the ownership of all files in ~/permissions to yourself.
  6. Make sure you have all rights to these files, and others can only read.
  7. With chmod, is 770 the same as rwxrwx--- ?
  8. With chmod, is 664 the same as r-xr-xr-- ?
  9. With chmod, is 400 the same as r-------- ?
  10. With chmod, is 734 the same as rwxr-xr-- ?
  11. Display the umask in octal and in symbolic form.
  12. Set the umask to 077, but use the symbolic format to set it. Verify that this works.
  13. Create a file as root, give only read to others. Can a normal user read this file ? Test writing to this file with vi.
  14. Create a file as normal user, give only read to others. Can another normal user read this file? Test writing to this file with vi.
  15. Can root read this file? Can root write to this file with vi?
  16. Create a directory that belongs to a group, where every member of that group can read and write to files, and create files. Make sure that people can only delete their own files.

Solution: standard file permissions

1. As normal user, create a directory ~/permissions. Create a file owned by yourself in there.

mkdir ~/permissions ; touch ~/permissions/myfile.txt

2. Copy a file owned by root from /etc/ to your permissions dir, who owns this file now?

cp /etc/hosts ~/permissions/

The copy is owned by you.

3. As root, create a file in the users ~/permissions directory.

(become root)# touch /home/username/permissions/rootfile

4. As normal user, look at who owns this file created by root.

ls -l ~/permissions

The file created by root is owned by root.

5. Change the ownership of all files in ~/permissions to yourself.

chown user ~/permissions/*

You cannot become owner of the file that belongs to root.

6. Make sure you have all rights to these files, and others can only read.

chmod 644 (on files)
chmod 755 (on directories)

7. With chmod, is 770 the same as rwxrwx--- ?


8. With chmod, is 664 the same as r-xr-xr-- ?


9. With chmod, is 400 the same as r-------- ?


10. With chmod, is 734 the same as rwxr-xr-- ?


11. Display the umask in octal and in symbolic form.

umask ; umask -S

12. Set the umask to 077, but use the symbolic format to set it. Verify that this works.

umask -S u=rwx,go=

13. Create a file as root, give only read to others. Can a normal user read this file ? Test writing to this file with vi.

(become root)
# echo hello > /home/username/root.txt
# chmod 744 /home/username/root.txt
(become user)
vi ~/root.txt

14. Create a file as normal user, give only read to others. Can another normal user read this file ? Test writing to this file with vi.

echo hello > file ; chmod 744 file

Yes, others can read this file

15. Can root read this file ? Can root write to this file with vi ?

Yes, root can read and write to this file. Permissions do not apply to root.

16. Create a directory that belongs to a group, where every member of that group can read and write to files, and create files. Make sure that people can only delete their own files.

mkdir /home/project42 ; groupadd project42
chgrp project42 /home/project42 ; chmod 775 /home/project42

You can not yet do the last part of this exercise...


Understanding and managing file ownership and permissions are fundamental aspects of maintaining file security in Unix-like systems. By properly configuring ownership and permissions, users can control access to files and directories, ensuring system security and integrity.

Bangkit Ade Saputra
Bangkit Ade Saputra At the end of the day, my job involves people. we're complicated, we're always changing, we have millions of things going on in our lives, and changing jobs is always a big decision.

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