How to Install Supervisord in Redhat 7 Easily

How to Install Supervisord in Redhat 7 Easily
How to Install Supervisord in Redhat 7 Easily

How to Install Supervisord in Redhat 7 Easily - Supervisord is a package process manager for client/server systems that allows us to easily monitor and control several program processes that we create on UNIX-like operating systems.


Upload your Supervisord file and required Dependencies.

  1. supervisor-3.1.4-1.sdl7.noarch.rpm
  2. python-setuptools-0.9.8-7.el7.noarch.rpm
  3. python-meld3-0.6.10-1.el7.x86_64.rpm

Here is the uploaded file with the secure used protocol SFTP you can upload with the same software or like Filezilla, WinSCP, and others.

Upload file Supervisord and Dependencies
Upload file Supervisord and Dependencies


The command I use uses yum because it is the easiest among other commands.

# yum install python-meld3-0.6.10-1.el7.x86_64.rpm python-setuptools-0.9.8-7.el7.noarch.rpm supervisor-3.1.4-1.sdl7.noarch.rpm

After installing you must start this server and don't forget to autostart.

# systemctl start supervisord
# systemctl enable supervisord
# systemctl status supervisord
Install Supervisord in Redhat
Install Supervisord in Redhat


I modified a little change in the configuration, I want to activate the GUI which can be hit from the browser. and of course, it must be with the credentials that I set.

And I also modified the configuration file which later will be the location of my custom .conf in my own path.
# vi /etc/supervisord.conf 
[inet_http_server]         ; inet (TCP) server disabled by default
port=*:9001        ; (ip_address:port specifier, *:port for all iface)
username=kitsake              ; (default is no username (open server))
password=123456               ; (default is no password (open server))
files = /kitsake/supervisord/conf/*.conf ; directory your configuration

After finishing the configuration, apply it by restarting Supervisord.

# systemctl restart supervisord


Open your browser and hit your IP and port 9001 example:

Trying to Hit Supervisord
Trying to Hit Supervisord

Closing statement

Yes, that's the article "How to Install Supervisord in Redhat 7 Easily". It's straightforward. Feel free to comment below if you have any additional services that can be set up.

Maybe that's all I can share with you guys, hopefully, this article will be useful.

Thank You.

Bangkit Ade Saputra
Bangkit Ade Saputra At the end of the day, my job involves people. we're complicated, we're always changing, we have millions of things going on in our lives, and changing jobs is always a big decision.

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