Kaspersky Security for Business: Endpoint Security Editions, Features, and Pricing

Kaspersky Security for Business: Endpoint Security Editions, Features, and Pricing
Kaspersky Security for Business: Endpoint Security Editions, Features, and Pricing

Kaspersky Security for Business: Endpoint Security Editions, Features, and Pricing - Kaspersky Antivirus is one of the most renowned antivirus software due to its robust endpoint solutions for cyber security. The Kaspersky security for business software is suitable for small to big companies. Let’s learn more about this antivirus in the following passage.

A Brief on Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business

Kaspersky provides comprehensive protection against advanced threats and malware, including data breaches. The Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business suite offers protection and central control to meet any business environment. Thus, every small, medium, or large enterprise can benefit from such software, especially for cyber security solutions. 

Kaspersky Security for Business helps users to secure their endpoints such as servers, workstations, and mobile devices. While providing the best protection, the software should not interfere with the users’ endpoint performance. However, it also should not affect the running application on users' endpoints. 

There are several different editions of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business with various Kaspersky Antivirus Pricing Learn about each edition well to help you decide which version suits your business best. This way, you will benefit from Kaspersky security features while optimizing your business cyber security.    

Kaspersky Security for Business: Editions and Pricing

Regarding its Endpoint Security for Business suite, Kaspersky offers several editions with different price variables for you to choose from. Each edition has its features and capabilities to meet the needs of its users. Here is the brief info on those editions and pricing you may want to consider:

1. Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business SELECT

This version is for small to medium businesses because it has basic endpoint protection features. The software will diminish the cyberattack exposure while protecting you against the newest threats. Its unified console helps simplify the security management of your business while increasing your employees’ productivity and safety. 

You can rely on this product for the diverse company environments security of your business, such as Mac, PC, Linux, Android, and iOS. The price for this Kaspersky for small business is $539.00. If you still feel unsure about the product, then you may want to try its 30-day free trial before buying it.

2. Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business Advanced

Advanced protection for your endpoint environment begins with Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business Advanced is your best option. This Kaspersky Security for Business version offers similar capabilities to the SELECT version. However, it has additional features such as encryption, protection for sensitive data, Patch Management, and System Image Management for easy system updates and new system deployment. 

This version will work best for medium to large enterprises due to its robust features and protection. Your endpoint environment will get the best potential cyber security despite its high price ($995.00).   

3. Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud

You can compare this Kaspersky Security for Business to Business Select since both have similar basic capabilities. The difference is that the Endpoint security cloud is a cloud-based cybersecurity solution in which security policies are established in advance. Thus, it is easier for users to deploy the program.

This version enables users to optimize the devices of their remote workers to provide better protection. You can purchase the product at $505.00 or simply try the free trial first before purchasing it.


Whether you have a small, medium, or large business, you have to choose the right cyber security solution for your best benefits. 

Kaspersky Security for business offers several different versions to meet users' requirements and needs. Make sure you do your homework before choosing the product that works well.

Bangkit Ade Saputra
Bangkit Ade Saputra At the end of the day, my job involves people. we're complicated, we're always changing, we have millions of things going on in our lives, and changing jobs is always a big decision.

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