What Is PRTG Network Monitor Linux

What Is PRTG Network Monitor Linux
What Is PRTG Network Monitor Linux

What Is PRTG Network Monitor Linux - PRTG network monitor linux is the best recommendation for you to use if you want to perform your network performance. But what is it actually? As someone who never dives into computer terms, it sounds really complex.

PRTG network monitor linux is produced by Paessler as they help us in network monitoring  and monitoring bandwidth to save resources for their customers. PRTG itself stands for Paessler Router Traffic Grapher.

You’re probably not an expert computer technician but knowing how to install PRTG network monitor linux would be really essential for your daily life that most of the time use the internet.

PRTG Network Monitor Linux
What Is PRTG Network Monitor Linux

Beginner Things About PRTG

PRTG network monitor linux is a software for network monitoring that can be installed on your Windows within your network. It could also gather statistical data from specific devices such as switches and routers for monitor bandwidth.

PRTG network monitors linux traffic by process work by its own PRTG approach not based on traditional network monitoring method. It implies that the method is a well-made solution and an  improvement from the traditional method before. 

1. PRTG Approach

The difference between the PRTG network monitor linux approach and the traditional network monitoring lies in the complexity of the process. The traditional one is much more time consuming because it has to go through one by one.  

While PRTG network monitor linux by process has a much more simple approach. By using the PRTG approach, you could monitor various kinds of devices only in one single interface without any problem. Read down below if you want to know about the benefits of it !  

  1. Not time consuming at all because of the easy monitoring process 
  2. Does not need more resources because it has been supported by Linux 
  3. It's a vendor neutral product 
  4. You could monitor by implementing any kind of protocols 
  5. Network administrator won’t get any trouble since its easier 
  6. Simplified process because not use the traditional network monitoring 
  7. The process only go through a single interface so it won’t waste a lot of time  
  8. Comprehensive device monitoring for network optimization 

2. Urgency To Use PRTG   

By knowing the PRTG approach, you are supposedly already aware how PRTG network monitor Linux could be very beneficial for your network monitoring. That’s why it's an urgency to use PRTG. 

PRTG network monitor features are so many and useful for the whole network monitoring performance. That’s why PRTG has achieved more than 200.000 installations worldwide. It shows how many people consider PRTG as an urgency for their network monitoring issue.

  1. Quick issue resolution through alerting system in case you’re currently facing failure or any kind of abnormal issues
  2. The master in preventing outage through the alerting system and guidance 
  3. Has an awesome smart setup that could help you identify your entire network and the network equipment 
  4. You could add sensor to discover and to gather information from many devices 
  5. More than one feature. Has auto discovery to know more about the recommendation aspect 
  6. You will only need one app to use this. So feel free to use it anywhere by login through the app

3. How To Install PRTG Network Monitor Linux 

This is a very quick and easy start guide of how to install PRTG network monitor linux. This includes the PRTG network monitor setup with some simple steps. You could get your own PRTG network monitor Linux in no time if you follow this guideline. 

These steps won’t take too much time since the main point of it is only to download the PRTG network monitor linux. How long would it take to install it could be tracked based on your internet connection so its relative. 

  1. Download the latest PRTG network monitor linux version on Paessler 
  2. Choose and install the PRTG that you want to use as the core server
  3. Follow the wizard installation guide 
  4. After you finish the installation try to open the single interface of PRTG between officially supported browsers 
  5. Now that you have installed it you could try your first login. Don’t worry about making a complex account. PRTG network monitor linux has it own system administrator 
  6. You’re entering the PRTG network monitor setup. What you gotta do is to keep following all the five steps that they already provide.
  7. The first step in PRTG network monitor setup is to provide credentials 
  8. The second step is to enter your location information 
  9. The third one is to change the password of your PRTG
  10. The fourth one is to confirm the address of your email 
  11. If you access PRTG from different system then you may want to switch to SSL/TLS 

4. How Does PRTG Network Monitor Linux Works   

Based on the name itself, PRTG uses the customized Linux sensors operating system. It basically manages the system’s hardware and resources. PRTG network monitors linux traffic by process is being supported by Linux.

By using Linux, users do not need to install or modify their target device. Linux servers are trusted as they support PRTG network monitor setup by WBEM and SSH protocols. SSH itself has a role in securing the connection. 

  1. PRTG network monitor Linux will support user in monitoring the available hard disk space 
  2. Here, sensors are the basic elements of monitoring. There are 5-10 sensors in every device
  3. There’s Syslog or System Logging protocol is responsible to gather device logs from various different kind of machines  through enabling network equipment 
  4. PRTG network monitor Linux will also monitor bandwidth and notify user immediately if there’s an issue with it
  5. You could optimize your Linux to the maximum performance with PRTG in such an efficient time 
  6. The performance indicator of your Linux would be divided into their CPU load, system load, disk space, and the available memory. 

5. PRTG Network Monitor Linux In A Nutshell

If you still have trouble understanding about PRTG Network Monitor Linux after all those long explanations, try to read the shorter version in the form of a nutshell. Computers and all of its technical context is indeed really complex. 

That’s why it's important for you to try to understand it again by reading the PRTG network monitor linux in a nutshell. Through this shorter form of a long explanation, hopefully you can get a grasp of the important things. 

  1. PRTG has a crucial role in monitoring the overall IT infrastructure such as network monitoring and network bandwidth  
  2. PRTG is useful for any kind of operating system that has easy access with multi-server views  
  3. PRTG is the supporter key of most essential technologies through flow protocols and by supporting industrial IT and OT environments 

In conclusion, we cannot deny the urgency to use PRTG Network Monitor Linux for a better optimization of network performance management. As we live in the digital era, knowledge like this is a must. 

By learning how to install prtg network monitor linux and all its essential for a beginner, you won’t have to worry about your network performance management again because PRTG Network Monitor Linux will be your assistant for the best user experience.

Bangkit Ade Saputra
Bangkit Ade Saputra At the end of the day, my job involves people. we're complicated, we're always changing, we have millions of things going on in our lives, and changing jobs is always a big decision.

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