Step by Step Install VMware ESXi 6.5 With USB Bootable

Step by Step Install VMware ESXi 6.5 With USB Bootable
Step by Step Install VMware ESXi 6.5 With USB Bootable

Welcome back to my personal blog, Bangkit. This time, I will share how to install VMware ESXi 6.5 to all of you.


Entering Boot Menu : Press F11 - Choose SanDisk

Entering Boot Menu
Entering Boot Menu
Unpacking VMware ESXi 6.5
Unpacking VMware ESXi 6.5

Aggrement : Press Enter - Enter

Entering to Aggrement VMware ESXi 6.5
Entering to Aggrement VMware ESXi 6.5

Aggrement VMware ESXi 6.5
Aggrement VMware ESXi 6.5

Select a Disk : Select Hard Disk

Select Hard Disk
Select Hard Disk

Select Keyboard Layout : US Default

US Default
US Default
Make a Password : Enter a root password

Enter a root password
Enter a root password

Confirm Install : Press (F11) Install

Confirm to Install VMware 6.5 ESXi
Confirm to Install VMware 6.5 ESXi
Processing Installation VMware ESXi 6.5
Processing Installation VMware ESXi 6.5

Installation Complete : Press (Enter) Reboot



After the installation process is complete, we will configure the ESXi so that it can be accessed through the network, and ultimately we can remotely connect to it from the office.

Login Root : <F2> Customize System/ View Logs

Login with root
Login with root

Setting Network : Configured Management Network

Setting Network
Setting Network

Set static IPv4 : IPv4 Configuration

Enter to Setup IP Address
Enter to Setup IP Address
Set static IPv4
Set static IPv4

Disable IPv6 : Choose Disable IPv6

Disable IPv6
Disable IPv6

Apply : Restart

Choose Restart
Choose Restart

Process Restarting
Process Restarting

Test hit on browser : https://IP-Address/

Test hit on browser : https://IP-Address/
Test hit on browser : https://IP-Address/

Assign License

And make sure you enter the license for the ESXi that you have purchased, so that you can use the features provided by VMware.

Login : Login to ESXi on Browser


Assign : Host – Manage – Licensing - Assign License – Input License – Klik Tombol Assign License

Assign License
 Assign License

Setup NTP

Setting the time is also crucial when installing ESXi, so it should be set up immediately after everything is ready to be used.

Setting Time & Date : Host – Manage – System – Time & date

System – Time & date
System – Time & date

NTP Server : Edit Setting - Use Network Time Protocol (enable NTP client) – NTP Server :

Use Network Time Protocol (enable NTP client)
Use Network Time Protocol (enable NTP client)

Start Service NTP : Action – NTP Service - Start

NTP Service - Start
NTP Service - Start

That's all for my personal notes that I can share in this post. Hopefully, it can help you and serve as a guide to ensure that no steps are missed when installing VMware ESXi 6.5.

Bangkit Ade Saputra
Bangkit Ade Saputra At the end of the day, my job involves people. we're complicated, we're always changing, we have millions of things going on in our lives, and changing jobs is always a big decision.

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