How to Install Duplicity on RHEL 7 For Encrypt

How to Install Duplicity on RHEL 7 For Encrypt
How to Install Duplicity on RHEL 7 For Encrypt

How to Install Duplicity on RHEL 7 For Encrypt - Hello everyone, welcome to the Kitsake blog. I hope you are all doing well and always blessed with ease in everything, be it in life or work. Amen.

On this occasion, I will provide a tutorial on securing an encrypted file. Are you wondering why we need that? The answer is yes, we need to encrypt a file or source code, especially when high confidentiality is required, especially concerning a company's business. 

As the owner of the company, you wouldn't want it, right? When the source code or program that has been developed over a long period is suddenly taken by someone who is not accountable? Encrypting the file will significantly minimize the risk of much greater losses because the file will remain inaccessible without the created encryption key.

For this tutorial, I'll take a case where we are going to back up a file that has been encrypted and moved to offline storage such as a hard disk, flash drive, or NAS. 

And I am using the Duplicity tool. Duplicity service is intended to encrypt secure backups, without someone else's password cannot decrypt it. and can't know the contents of the file.

For instructions on how to install Duplicity and its usage, you can refer to the brief guide below. You can also practice these steps directly on your Red Hat 7 Linux development server to gain a clearer understanding.

Installing Duplicity

For the Duplicity can run, you must Install dependencies. You can copy the command to install the tools below:

# yum install gcc librsync-devel python-devel python-lockfile wget
Install Duplicity on RHEL 7
Install Duplicity on RHEL 7

After you have installed the dependencies, you can install Duplicity using the following command:

# yum install duplicity -y


For the next step, you will configure the key to be used in both the encryption and decryption processes. 

# gpg --gen-key
# gpg --list-keys


For now, you can already use Duplicity which has been installed and configured on this Red Hat 7 Linux server. You can try it out. In the example below, I am attempting three commands: encrypting all files within a folder, decrypting a selected file, and decrypting all files that have been encrypted:

Encrypt all files in a folder

The command format and options used to encrypt all files in a folder:

# PASSPHRASE=[passphrase] duplicity --encrypt-key [encrypt key] [Source] [Destination]

An example of the command I used to encrypt all files in a folder:

# PASSPHRASE=123456 duplicity --encrypt-key [your-encrypt key] /home/kitsake/Source file:///home/kitsake/Destination

Decrypt the file your choice

After you've encrypted the files within the encrypted folder, you can decrypt just one of them using the following example command:

# PASSPHRASE=[passphrase] duplicity --file-to-restore [filename] [SourceEncrypt] [DestinationDecript]

Below is an example of its usage:

# PASSPHRASE=123456 duplicity --file-to-restore kitsake file:///home/kitsake/Destination /home/kitsake/Restore

Decrypt all file

The following example I've created is when you want to decrypt all previously encrypted files:

# PASSPHRASE=[passphrase] duplicity --file-to-restore [foldername] [SourceEncrypt] [DestinationDecript]

Below is an example of its usage:

# PASSPHRASE=123456 duplicity --file-to-restore script file:///home/kitsake/Destination /home/kitsake/Restore/script

Closing statement

And that wraps up my post on How to Install Duplicity on RHEL 7 for Encryption. I trust that this post can serve as a valuable reference for you when you intend to encrypt files using Duplicity on the RHEL 7 operating system.

This might be all I have to share with you. Hopefully, this article proves to be beneficial.

Thank you.

Bangkit Ade Saputra
Bangkit Ade Saputra At the end of the day, my job involves people. we're complicated, we're always changing, we have millions of things going on in our lives, and changing jobs is always a big decision.

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