How to Install MySQL Server on Windows Server 2019

How to Install MySQL Server on Windows Server 2019
How to Install MySQL Server on Windows Server 2019

How to Install MySQL Server on Windows Server 2019 - Hi friends, welcome back to the Kitsake blog. In this post, I will discuss how to install MySQL Server on Windows Server 2019.

MySQL Server is a popular and widely used database engine for production systems in businesses. Therefore, you should also know how to install it if you work as a system engineer.

In the case I presented in this post, the firewall on Windows Server 2019 is disabled. and in this article, I will provide step-by-step instructions until it can be accessed either locally or through a client computer. So, please read it until the end. 


Before you install MySQL Server, you need to install its dependencies, namely Microsoft Visual C++ and Python. For the download links, you can directly visit their official website through the following link:
  1. Microsoft Visual C++
  2. Python

And of course, you must download MySQL Community Server because that's the topic I'm covering in this post. You can download it from the Official Website or click the following link: MySQL Community Server.

Recommended Download: Click Go to Download Page.

Go to Download Page
Go to Download Page

Windows (x86, 32-bit), MSI Installer: Click Download.

MSI Installer: Click Download
MSI Installer: Click Download
Login Now or Sign Up for a free account.: Click No thanks, just start my download.
Click No thanks, just start my download
Click No thanks, just start my download

Don't forget to match the OS bit version with the downloaded installer to ensure compatibility and smooth operation.


After you have downloaded the installer, you can proceed to the next step, which is installing it into Windows Server 2019 to install MySQL Server 8.0.33.

Step 1 : Installing  Python 3.11.4 (64-bit)

Double Click on Installer python-3.11.4-amd64 - Install Now

Install Python 3.11.4 (64-bit)
Install Python 3.11.4 (64-bit)

Please wait for the installation process to complete successfully.

Step 2 : Installing Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable

Double Click on Installer VC_redist.x64 - Checklist  I agree to the license terms and conditions - Install 

Install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable
Install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable

Please wait for the installation process to complete successfully.

Step 3 : Installing MySQL Community Server

Double Click on Installer mysql-installer-community- - Choosing a Setup Type Developer Default - Next

Install MySQL Community Server Developer Default
Install MySQL Community Server Developer Default

Installation : Click Execute - Next

Execute Installation
Execute Installation
Next Installation
Next Installation

Configure MySQL Server 8.0.33

Product Configuration : Click Next

Product Configuration
Product Configuration

Type and Networking : Choose Config Type Server Computer - Next

Type and Networking
Type and Networking

Authentication Method : Choose Next

Authentication Method
Authentication Method

Account and Roles : Type Password for account root  - and Add User for DB Admin - Next 

Account and Roles
Account and Roles

Windows Service : Click  Next

Windows Service
Windows Service

Server File Permissions : Click Next
Server File Permissions
Server File Permissions
Apply Configuration : Click Execute - Finish

Apply Configuration
Apply Configuration
Click Finish
Click Finish

Configure MySQL Router 8.0.33

Product Configuration : Click Next

Product Configuration
Product Configuration

MySQL Router Configuration : Click Finish

MySQL Router Configuration
MySQL Router Configuration

Configure Samples and Examples 8.0.33

Product Configuration : Click Next

Product Configuration

Product Configuration

Connect To Server : Input Password - Click Check - Click Next

Connect To Server
Connect To Server

Apply Configuration : Click Execute - Click Finish

Apply Configuration
Apply Configuration
Product Configuration : Click Next

Product Configuration
Product Configuration

Installation Complete : Click Finish
Installation Complete
Installation Complete


After you have installed it step by step as I described above, you should have succeeded. The next step is to process the data using the editor that you feel most comfortable with.

Here, I'm using two examples of editors that I often use, namely MySQL Workbench and Heidi. Here's how to do it:

MySQL Workbrench

Open MySQL Workbrench - Click (+) - IP Address/localhost/ - Input User - Click Store in Vault - Input Password - Ok

Login MySQL Server with MySQL Workbrench
Login MySQL Server with MySQL Workbrench
Setup New Connection : Click Test Connection - Ok - Ok
MySQL Connection : Click Kitsake-DB
MySQL Connection
MySQL Connection

Open MySQL Community Server with MySQL Workbench
Open MySQL Community Server with MySQL Workbench

HeidiSQL Editor

Open Heidi - Input IP Address MySQL Community Server - Input User - Input Password - Open 
Open MySQL Community Server with Heidi
Open MySQL Community Server with Heidi

Maybe that's all I can share with you guys, hopefully this article will be useful.

Thank You 

Bangkit Ade Saputra
Bangkit Ade Saputra At the end of the day, my job involves people. we're complicated, we're always changing, we have millions of things going on in our lives, and changing jobs is always a big decision.

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